Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Inauguration Preachers

So I already dished a little about Rick Warren, but here's some more interesting information - other preachers will be doing other preaching, etc., during the weekend of the festivities. Two in particular are of interest to me: Gene Robinson, the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopal church, and the General Minister and President of the Disciples of Christ. Here's the Slate article on it.

One thing I disagree with in the article is that Gene Robinson's take on gay sexuality goes against the beliefs of the Episcopal church. That might be true for the international Anglican church, which the Episcopal church is part of. But the conservative groups that are getting ready to leave the Episcopal church because of Robinson's election as bishop are much smaller than the main body of the American church -- about 100,000 people, compared to 2.3 million. That doesn't mean that the people who are staying are necessarily on board, but it does mean they don't see it as important enough to make a break with their church.

One of the quotes in the Slate article is that Bishop Robinson felt called to come out of the closet by God. I'd agree with that sentiment in my own life. Coming out requires courage and serves justice and truth. I hope we'll get coverage of what he has to say Sunday.

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