Monday, July 11, 2005

A different tack on Iraq

Regardless of how we may feel about the administration's decision to go into Iraq, (have I been clear enough about my position yet?), the soldiers there are doing their best to make something good out of a difficult situation. If you'd like to send a note of support to a US soldier, here is a website that was recommended to me:

Any Soldier

I looked it over and it's really neat--the basic idea is that active duty soldiers have volunteered to receive packages and letters from folks at home and to distribute them to the people around them. You can't send pork or homemade items, which means I won't be mailing the ham Heather and I cured the other day, but I've found a medical unit that looks like a good place to start sending letters. And they have contacts in a bunch of different places, not just Iraq.

Please also keep in your prayers the Iraqi citizens in the midst of so much violence and turmoil in their home country.

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